Source code for objax.functional.loss

# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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__all__ = ['cross_entropy_logits',

from typing import Union, Iterable, Optional
import jax.numpy as jn
from objax.functional.core import logsumexp
from objax.typing import JaxArray
import warnings

WARN_SHAPE_MISMATCH = 'Argument shape mismatch in'

[docs]def cross_entropy_logits(logits: JaxArray, labels: JaxArray) -> JaxArray: """Computes the softmax cross-entropy loss on n-dimensional data. Args: logits: (batch, ..., #class) tensor of logits. labels: (batch, ..., #class) tensor of label probabilities (e.g. labels.sum(axis=-1) must be 1) Returns: (batch, ...) tensor of the cross-entropies for each entry. """ FUNC_NAME = 'cross_entropy_logits' if logits.shape != labels.shape: warnings.warn(' {} {} : arg1 {} and arg2 {}'.format(WARN_SHAPE_MISMATCH, FUNC_NAME, logits.shape, labels.shape)) return logsumexp(logits, axis=-1) - (logits * labels).sum(-1)
[docs]def cross_entropy_logits_sparse(logits: JaxArray, labels: Union[JaxArray, int]) -> JaxArray: """Computes the softmax cross-entropy loss. Args: logits: (batch, ..., #class) tensor of logits. labels: (batch, ...) integer tensor of label indexes in {0, ...,#nclass-1} or just a single integer. Returns: (batch, ...) tensor of the cross-entropies for each entry. """ if isinstance(labels, int): labeled_logits = logits[..., labels] else: labeled_logits = jn.take_along_axis(logits, labels[..., None], -1).squeeze(-1) return logsumexp(logits, axis=-1) - labeled_logits
[docs]def l2(x: JaxArray) -> JaxArray: """Computes the L2 loss. Args: x: n-dimensional tensor of floats. Returns: scalar tensor containing the l2 loss of x. """ return 0.5 * (x ** 2).sum()
[docs]def mean_absolute_error(x: JaxArray, y: JaxArray, keep_axis: Optional[Iterable[int]] = (0,)) -> JaxArray: """Computes the mean absolute error between x and y. Args: x: a tensor of shape (d0, .. dN-1). y: a tensor of shape (d0, .. dN-1). keep_axis: a sequence of the dimensions to keep, use `None` to return a scalar value. Returns: tensor of shape (d_i, ..., for i in keep_axis) containing the mean absolute error. """ FUNC_NAME = 'mean_absolute_error' if x.shape != y.shape: warnings.warn(' {} {} : arg1 {} and arg2 {}'.format(WARN_SHAPE_MISMATCH, FUNC_NAME, x.shape, y.shape)) loss = jn.abs(x - y) axis = [i for i in range(loss.ndim) if i not in (keep_axis or ())] return loss.mean(axis)
[docs]def mean_squared_error(x: JaxArray, y: JaxArray, keep_axis: Optional[Iterable[int]] = (0,)) -> JaxArray: """Computes the mean squared error between x and y. Args: x: a tensor of shape (d0, .. dN-1). y: a tensor of shape (d0, .. dN-1). keep_axis: a sequence of the dimensions to keep, use `None` to return a scalar value. Returns: tensor of shape (d_i, ..., for i in keep_axis) containing the mean squared error. """ FUNC_NAME = 'mean_squared_error' if x.shape != y.shape: warnings.warn(' {} {} : arg1 {} and arg2 {}'.format(WARN_SHAPE_MISMATCH, FUNC_NAME, x.shape, y.shape)) loss = (x - y) ** 2 axis = [i for i in range(loss.ndim) if i not in (keep_axis or ())] return loss.mean(axis)
def mean_squared_log_error(y_true: JaxArray, y_pred: JaxArray, keep_axis: Optional[Iterable[int]] = (0,)) -> JaxArray: """Computes the mean squared logarithmic error between y_true and y_pred. Args: y_true: a tensor of shape (d0, .. dN-1). y_pred: a tensor of shape (d0, .. dN-1). keep_axis: a sequence of the dimensions to keep, use `None` to return a scalar value. Returns: tensor of shape (d_i, ..., for i in keep_axis) containing the mean squared error. """ FUNC_NAME = 'mean_squared_log_error' if y_true.shape != y_pred.shape: warnings.warn(' {} {} : arg1 {} and arg2 {}'.format(WARN_SHAPE_MISMATCH, FUNC_NAME, y_true.shape, y_pred.shape)) loss = (jn.log1p(y_true) - jn.log1p(y_pred)) ** 2 axis = [i for i in range(loss.ndim) if i not in (keep_axis or ())] return loss.mean(axis)
[docs]def sigmoid_cross_entropy_logits(logits: JaxArray, labels: Union[JaxArray, int]) -> JaxArray: """Computes the sigmoid cross-entropy loss. Args: logits: (batch, ..., #class) tensor of logits. labels: (batch, ..., #class) tensor of label probabilities (e.g. labels.sum(axis=-1) must be 1) Returns: (batch, ...) tensor of the cross-entropies for each entry. """ FUNC_NAME = 'sigmoid_cross_entropy_logits' if logits.shape != labels.shape: warnings.warn(' {} {} : arg1 {} and arg2 {}'.format(WARN_SHAPE_MISMATCH, FUNC_NAME, logits.shape, labels.shape)) return jn.maximum(logits, 0) - logits * labels + jn.log(1 + jn.exp(-jn.abs(logits)))