Source code for objax.privacy.dpsgd.gradient

# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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__all__ = ['PrivateGradValues']

import functools
from typing import Optional, Callable, Tuple

import jax
import jax.numpy as jn

from objax import random
from objax.gradient import GradValues
from objax.module import Function, Module, Vectorize
from objax.typing import JaxArray
from objax.util import repr_function, class_name
from objax.variable import VarCollection

[docs]class PrivateGradValues(Module): """Computes differentially private gradients as required by DP-SGD. This module can be used in place of GradVals, and automatically makes the optimizer differentially private."""
[docs] def __init__(self, f: Callable, vc: VarCollection, noise_multiplier: float, l2_norm_clip: float, microbatch: int, batch_axis: Tuple[Optional[int], ...] = (0,), keygen: random.Generator = random.DEFAULT_GENERATOR): """Constructs a PrivateGradValues instance. Args: f: the function for which to compute gradients. vc: the variables for which to compute gradients. noise_multiplier: scale of standard deviation for added noise in DP-SGD. l2_norm_clip: value of clipping norm for DP-SGD. microbatch: the size of each microbatch. batch_axis: the axis to use as batch during vectorization. Should be a tuple of 0s. keygen: a Generator for random numbers. Defaults to objax.random.DEFAULT_GENERATOR. """ super().__init__() if not all(v == 0 for v in batch_axis): raise ValueError('batch_axis needs to be an all zero tuple for PrivateGradValues.') self.__wrapped__ = gv = GradValues(f, vc) @Function.with_vars(gv.vars()) def clipped_grad(*args): grads, values = gv(*args) total_grad_norm = jn.linalg.norm([jn.linalg.norm(g) for g in grads]) idivisor = 1 / jn.maximum(total_grad_norm / l2_norm_clip, 1.) return [g * idivisor for g in grads], values self.batch_axis = batch_axis self.microbatch = microbatch self.l2_norm_clip = l2_norm_clip self.noise_multiplier = noise_multiplier self.keygen = keygen self.private_grad = Vectorize(clipped_grad, batch_axis=batch_axis)
[docs] def reshape_microbatch(self, x: JaxArray) -> JaxArray: """Reshapes examples into microbatches. DP-SGD requires that per-example gradients are clipped and noised, however this can be inefficient. To speed this up, it is possible to clip and noise a microbatch of examples, at a sight cost to privacy. If speed is not an issue, the microbatch size should be set to 1. If x has shape [D0, D1, ..., Dn], the reshaped output will have shape [number_of_microbatches, microbatch_size, D1, ..., DN]. Args: x: items to be reshaped. Returns: The reshaped items. """ s = x.shape return x.reshape([s[0] // self.microbatch, self.microbatch, *s[1:]])
[docs] def __call__(self, *args): """Returns the computed DP-SGD gradients. Returns: A tuple (gradients, value of f).""" batch = args[0].shape[0] assert batch % self.microbatch == 0 num_microbatches = batch // self.microbatch stddev = self.l2_norm_clip * self.noise_multiplier / num_microbatches g, v = self.private_grad(*[self.reshape_microbatch(x) for x in args]) g, v = jax.tree_map(functools.partial(jn.mean, axis=0), (g, v)) g = [gx + random.normal(gx.shape, stddev=stddev, generator=self.keygen) for gx in g] return g, v
def __repr__(self): args = dict(f=repr_function(self.__wrapped__.f), noise_multiplier=self.noise_multiplier, l2_norm_clip=self.l2_norm_clip, microbatch=self.microbatch, batch_axis=self.batch_axis) args = ', '.join(f'{k}={v}' for k, v in args.items()) return f'{class_name(self)}({args})'