Source code for objax.optimizer.adam

# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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__all__ = ['Adam']

from typing import List, Optional

from jax import numpy as jn

from objax import functional
from objax.module import Module, ModuleList
from objax.typing import JaxArray
from objax.variable import TrainRef, StateVar, TrainVar, VarCollection

[docs]class Adam(Module): """Adam optimizer."""
[docs] def __init__(self, vc: VarCollection, beta1: float = 0.9, beta2: float = 0.999, eps: float = 1e-8): """Constructor for Adam optimizer class. Args: vc: collection of variables to optimize. beta1: value of Adam's beta1 hyperparameter. Defaults to 0.9. beta2: value of Adam's beta2 hyperparameter. Defaults to 0.999. eps: value of Adam's epsilon hyperparameter. Defaults to 1e-8. """ self.beta1 = beta1 self.beta2 = beta2 self.eps = eps self.step = StateVar(jn.array(0, jn.uint32), reduce=lambda x: x[0]) self.train_vars = ModuleList(TrainRef(x) for x in vc.subset(TrainVar)) self.m = ModuleList(StateVar(jn.zeros_like(x.value)) for x in self.train_vars) self.v = ModuleList(StateVar(jn.zeros_like(x.value)) for x in self.train_vars)
[docs] def __call__(self, lr: float, grads: List[JaxArray], beta1: Optional[float] = None, beta2: Optional[float] = None): """Updates variables and other state based on Adam algorithm. Args: lr: the learning rate. grads: the gradients to apply. beta1: optional, override the default beta1. beta2: optional, override the default beta2. """ assert len(grads) == len(self.train_vars), 'Expecting as many gradients as trainable variables' if beta1 is None: beta1 = self.beta1 if beta2 is None: beta2 = self.beta2 self.step.value += 1 lr *= jn.sqrt(1 - beta2 ** self.step.value) / (1 - beta1 ** self.step.value) for g, p, m, v in zip(grads, self.train_vars, self.m, self.v): m.value += (1 - beta1) * (g - m.value) v.value += (1 - beta2) * (g ** 2 - v.value) p.value -= lr * m.value * functional.rsqrt(v.value + self.eps)