Source code for objax.module

# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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__all__ = ['Jit', 'Module', 'ModuleList', 'ModuleWrapper', 'Parallel', 'Vectorize']

from types import MethodType
from typing import Optional, List, Union, Callable, Tuple

import jax
import jax.numpy as jn
from jax.interpreters.pxla import ShardedDeviceArray

from objax.typing import JaxArray
from objax.util import positional_args_names
from objax.variable import BaseState, BaseVar, RandomState, VarCollection

[docs]class Module: """A module is a container to associate variables and functions."""
[docs] def vars(self, scope: str = '') -> VarCollection: """Collect all the variables (and their names) contained in the module and its submodules. Important: Variables and modules stored Python structures such as dict or list are not collected. See ModuleList if you need such a feature. Args: scope: string to prefix to the variable names. Returns: A VarCollection of all the variables. """ vc = VarCollection() scope += f'({self.__class__.__name__}).' for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(v, BaseVar): vc[scope + k] = v elif isinstance(v, Module): vc.update(v.vars(scope=scope + k)) return vc
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Optional module __call__ method, typically a forward pass computation for standard primitives.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ModuleList(Module, list): """This is a replacement for Python's list that provides a vars() method to return all the variables that it contains, including the ones contained in the modules and sub-modules in it."""
[docs] def vars(self, scope: str = '') -> VarCollection: """Collect all the variables (and their names) contained in the list and its submodules. Args: scope: string to prefix to the variable names. Returns: A VarCollection of all the variables. """ vc = VarCollection() scope += f'({self.__class__.__name__})' for p, v in enumerate(self): if isinstance(v, BaseVar): vc[f'{scope}[{p}]'] = v elif isinstance(v, Module): vc.update(v.vars(scope=f'{scope}[{p}]')) return vc
class ModuleWrapper(Module): """Module whose sole purpose is to store a collectable VarCollection. This classs is exclusively used internally by Objax, for example in Jit, Vectorize and Parallel.""" def __init__(self, vc: VarCollection): super().__init__() = VarCollection((f'({self.__class__.__name__}){k}', v) for k, v in vc.items()) def vars(self, scope: str = '') -> VarCollection: """Collect all the variables (and their names) contained in the VarCollection. Args: scope: string to prefix to the variable names. Returns: A VarCollection of all the variables. """ return VarCollection((scope + k, v) for k, v in
[docs]class Jit(ModuleWrapper): """JIT (Just-In-Time) module takes a function or a module and compiles it for faster execution."""
[docs] def __init__(self, f: Union[Module, Callable], vc: Optional[VarCollection] = None, static_argnums: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]] = None): """Jit constructor. Args: f: the function or the module to compile. vc: the VarCollection of variables used by the function or module. This argument is equired for functions. static_argnums: tuple of indexes of f's input arguments to treat as static (constants)). A new graph is compiled for each different combination of values for such inputs. """ if vc is None: if not isinstance(f, Module): raise ValueError('You must supply the VarCollection used by the function f.') vc = f.vars() super().__init__(vc) self._call = self.jit_local_method(f, sorted(static_argnums or ()))
def jit_local_method(self, f, static_argnums): """Compiles a function or module and returns method that can be attached to self instance. Args: f: function or module to compile. static_argnums: indexes of the arguments to be treated as static. Returns: A method containing the compiled version of f. """ def jit(tensor_list: List[JaxArray], *args): original_values = output = f(*args), return output jitf = jax.jit(jit, static_argnums=tuple(x + 1 for x in static_argnums)) def local_method(self, *args): output, changes = jitf(, *args) return output return MethodType(local_method, self)
[docs] def __call__(self, *args): """Call the compiled version of the function or module.""" return self._call(*args)
[docs]class Parallel(ModuleWrapper): """Parallel module takes a function or a module and compiles it for running on multiple devices in parallel."""
[docs] def __init__(self, f: Union[Module, Callable], vc: Optional[VarCollection] = None, reduce: Callable[[JaxArray], JaxArray] = jn.concatenate, axis_name: str = 'device', static_argnums: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]] = None): """Parallel constructor. Args: f: the function or the module to compile for parallelism. vc: the VarCollection of variables used by the function or module. This argument is required for functions. reduce: the function used reduce the outputs from many devices to a single device value. axis_name: what name to give to the device dimension, used in conjunction with objax.functional.parallel. static_argnums: tuple of indexes of f's input arguments to treat as static (constants)). A new graph is compiled for each different combination of values for such inputs. """ if vc is None: if not isinstance(f, Module): raise ValueError('You must supply the VarCollection used by the function f.') vc = f.vars() super().__init__(vc) static_argnums = sorted(static_argnums or ()) self.reduce = reduce self.ndevices = jax.device_count() self.static_argnums = frozenset(static_argnums) def pmap(tensor_list: List[ShardedDeviceArray], random_list: List[ShardedDeviceArray], *args): original_values = output = f(*args), return output self._call = jax.pmap(pmap, axis_name=axis_name, static_broadcasted_argnums=[x + 2 for x in static_argnums])
def device_reshape(self, x: JaxArray) -> JaxArray: """Utility to reshape an input array in order to broadcast to multiple devices.""" return x.reshape((self.ndevices, x.shape[0] // self.ndevices) + x.shape[1:])
[docs] def __call__(self, *args): """Call the compiled function or module on multiple devices in parallel. Important: Make sure you call this function within the scope of VarCollection.replicate() statement. """ args = [x if i in self.static_argnums else self.device_reshape(x) for i, x in enumerate(args)] output, changes = self._call(,, *args) return jax.tree_map(self.reduce, output)
[docs]class Vectorize(ModuleWrapper): """Vectorize module takes a function or a module and compiles it for running in parallel on a single device."""
[docs] def __init__(self, f: Union[Module, Callable], vc: Optional[VarCollection] = None, batch_axis: Tuple[Optional[int], ...] = (0,)): """Vectorize constructor. Args: f: the function or the module to compile for vectorization. vc: the VarCollection of variables used by the function or module. This argument is required for functions. batch_axis: tuple of int or None for each of f's input arguments: the axis to use as batch during vectorization. Use None to automatically broadcast. """ if vc is None: if not isinstance(f, Module): raise ValueError('You must supply the VarCollection used by the function f.') vc = f.vars() super().__init__(vc) fargs = positional_args_names(f) assert len(batch_axis) >= len(fargs), f'The batched argument must be specified for all of {f} arguments {fargs}' self.batch_axis = batch_axis self.batch_axis_argnums = [(x, v) for x, v in enumerate(batch_axis) if v is not None] assert self.batch_axis_argnums, f'No arguments to function {f} are vectorizable' def vmap(tensor_list: List[JaxArray], random_list: List[JaxArray], *args): original_values = output = f(*args), return output self._call = jax.vmap(vmap, (None, 0) + batch_axis)
[docs] def __call__(self, *args): """Call the vectorized version of the function or module.""" assert len(args) == len(self.batch_axis), f'Number of arguments passed {len(args)} must match ' \ f'batched {len(self.batch_axis)}' nsplits = args[self.batch_axis_argnums[0][0]].shape[self.batch_axis_argnums[0][1]] output, changes = self._call(, [v.split(nsplits) for v in], *args) for v, u in zip(, changes): v.reduce(u) return output