Source code for objax.zoo.wide_resnet

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Module with WideResNet implementation.

See for detail.

__all__ = ['WRNBlock', 'WideResNetGeneral', 'WideResNet']

import functools
from typing import Callable, List

import objax
from objax.typing import JaxArray

BN_MOM = 0.9
BN_EPS = 1e-5

def conv_args(kernel_size: int, nout: int):
    """Returns list of arguments which are common to all convolutions.

        kernel_size: size of convolution kernel (single number).
        nout: number of output filters.

        Dictionary with common convoltion arguments.
    stddev = objax.functional.rsqrt(0.5 * kernel_size * kernel_size * nout)
    return dict(w_init=functools.partial(objax.random.normal, stddev=stddev),

[docs]class WRNBlock(objax.Module): """WideResNet block."""
[docs] def __init__(self, nin: int, nout: int, stride: int = 1, bn: Callable = functools.partial(objax.nn.BatchNorm2D, momentum=BN_MOM, eps=BN_EPS)): """Creates WRNBlock instance. Args: nin: number of input filters. nout: number of output filters. stride: stride for convolution and projection convolution in this block. bn: module which used as batch norm function. """ if nin != nout or stride > 1: self.proj_conv = objax.nn.Conv2D(nin, nout, 1, strides=stride, **conv_args(1, nout)) else: self.proj_conv = None self.norm_1 = bn(nin) self.conv_1 = objax.nn.Conv2D(nin, nout, 3, strides=stride, **conv_args(3, nout)) self.norm_2 = bn(nout) self.conv_2 = objax.nn.Conv2D(nout, nout, 3, strides=1, **conv_args(3, nout))
[docs] def __call__(self, x: JaxArray, training: bool) -> JaxArray: o1 = objax.functional.relu(self.norm_1(x, training)) y = self.conv_1(o1) o2 = objax.functional.relu(self.norm_2(y, training)) z = self.conv_2(o2) return z + self.proj_conv(o1) if self.proj_conv else z + x
[docs]class WideResNetGeneral(objax.nn.Sequential): """Base WideResNet implementation."""
[docs] @staticmethod def mean_reduce(x: JaxArray) -> JaxArray: return x.mean((2, 3))
[docs] def __init__(self, nin: int, nclass: int, blocks_per_group: List[int], width: int, bn: Callable = functools.partial(objax.nn.BatchNorm2D, momentum=BN_MOM, eps=BN_EPS)): """Creates WideResNetGeneral instance. Args: nin: number of channels in the input image. nclass: number of output classes. blocks_per_group: number of blocks in each block group. width: multiplier to the number of convolution filters. bn: module which used as batch norm function. """ widths = [int(v * width) for v in [16 * (2 ** i) for i in range(len(blocks_per_group))]] n = 16 ops = [objax.nn.Conv2D(nin, n, 3, **conv_args(3, n))] for i, (block, width) in enumerate(zip(blocks_per_group, widths)): stride = 2 if i > 0 else 1 ops.append(WRNBlock(n, width, stride, bn)) for b in range(1, block): ops.append(WRNBlock(width, width, 1, bn)) n = width ops += [bn(n), objax.functional.relu, self.mean_reduce, objax.nn.Linear(n, nclass, w_init=objax.nn.init.xavier_truncated_normal) ] super().__init__(ops)
[docs]class WideResNet(WideResNetGeneral): """WideResNet implementation with 3 groups. Reference: """
[docs] def __init__(self, nin: int, nclass: int, depth: int = 28, width: int = 2, bn: Callable = functools.partial(objax.nn.BatchNorm2D, momentum=BN_MOM, eps=BN_EPS)): """Creates WideResNet instance. Args: nin: number of channels in the input image. nclass: number of output classes. depth: number of convolution layers. (depth-4) should be divisible by 6 width: multiplier to the number of convolution filters. bn: module which used as batch norm function. """ assert (depth - 4) % 6 == 0, 'depth should be 6n+4' n = (depth - 4) // 6 blocks_per_group = [n] * 3 super().__init__(nin, nclass, blocks_per_group, width, bn)