Source code for objax.module

# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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__all__ = ['ForceArgs', 'Function', 'Jit', 'Module', 'ModuleList', 'Parallel', 'Vectorize']

from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Optional, List, Union, Callable, Tuple

import jax
import jax.numpy as jn
import numpy as np

from objax.typing import JaxArray
from objax.util import class_name, override_args_kwargs, positional_args_names, repr_function
from objax.variable import BaseVar, RandomState, VarCollection

[docs]class Module: """A module is a container to associate variables and functions."""
[docs] def vars(self, scope: str = '') -> VarCollection: """Collect all the variables (and their names) contained in the module and its submodules. Important: Variables and modules stored Python structures such as dict or list are not collected. See ModuleList if you need such a feature. Args: scope: string to prefix to the variable names. Returns: A VarCollection of all the variables. """ vc = VarCollection() scope += f'({self.__class__.__name__}).' for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(v, BaseVar): vc[scope + k] = v elif isinstance(v, Module): if k == '__wrapped__': vc.update(v.vars(scope=scope[:-1])) else: vc.update(v.vars(scope=scope + k)) return vc
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Optional module __call__ method, typically a forward pass computation for standard primitives.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ForceArgs(Module): """Forces override of arguments of given module.""" ANY = namedtuple('ANY', ()) """Token used in `ForceArgs.undo` to indicate undo of all values of specific argument."""
[docs] @staticmethod def undo(module: Module, **kwargs): """Undo ForceArgs on each submodule of the module. Modifications are done in-place. Args: module: module for which to undo ForceArgs. **kwargs: dictionary of argument overrides to undo. `name=val` remove override for value `val` of argument `name`. `name=ForceArgs.ANY` remove all overrides of argument `name`. If `**kwargs` is empty then all overrides will be undone. """ if isinstance(module, ForceArgs): if not kwargs: module.forced_kwargs = {} else: module.forced_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in module.forced_kwargs.items() if (k not in kwargs) or (kwargs[k] not in (v, ForceArgs.ANY))} ForceArgs.undo(module.__wrapped__, **kwargs) elif isinstance(module, ModuleList): for idx, v in enumerate(module): if isinstance(v, Module): ForceArgs.undo(v, **kwargs) if isinstance(v, ForceArgs) and not v.forced_kwargs: module[idx] = v.__wrapped__ else: for k, v in module.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(v, Module): ForceArgs.undo(v, **kwargs) if isinstance(v, ForceArgs) and not v.forced_kwargs: setattr(module, k, v.__wrapped__)
[docs] def __init__(self, module: Module, **kwargs): """Initializes ForceArgs by wrapping another module. Args: module: module which argument will be overridden. kwargs: values of keyword arguments which will be forced to use. """ self.__wrapped__ = module self.forced_kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def vars(self, scope: str = '') -> VarCollection: """Returns the VarCollection of the wrapped module. Args: scope: string to prefix to the variable names. Returns: A VarCollection of all the variables of wrapped module. """ return self.__wrapped__.vars(scope=scope)
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Calls wrapped module using forced args to override wrapped module arguments.""" args, kwargs = override_args_kwargs(self.__wrapped__, args, kwargs, self.forced_kwargs) return self.__wrapped__(*args, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self): args = ', '.join(f'{k}={repr(v)}' for k, v in self.forced_kwargs.items()) return f'{class_name(self)}(module={repr_function(self.__wrapped__)}, {args})'
[docs]class ModuleList(Module, list): """This is a replacement for Python's list that provides a vars() method to return all the variables that it contains, including the ones contained in the modules and sub-modules in it."""
[docs] def vars(self, scope: str = '') -> VarCollection: """Collect all the variables (and their names) contained in the list and its submodules. Args: scope: string to prefix to the variable names. Returns: A VarCollection of all the variables. """ vc = VarCollection() scope += f'({self.__class__.__name__})' for p, v in enumerate(self): if isinstance(v, BaseVar): vc[f'{scope}[{p}]'] = v elif isinstance(v, Module): vc.update(v.vars(scope=f'{scope}[{p}]')) return vc
def __getitem__(self, key: Union[int, slice]): value = list.__getitem__(self, key) if isinstance(key, slice): return ModuleList(value) return value def __repr__(self): def f(x): if not isinstance(x, Module) and callable(x): return repr_function(x) x = repr(x).split('\n') x = [x[0]] + [' ' + y for y in x[1:]] return '\n'.join(x) entries = '\n'.join(f' [{i}] {f(x)}' for i, x in enumerate(self)) return f'{class_name(self)}(\n{entries}\n)'
[docs]class Function(Module): """Turn a function into a Module by keeping the vars it uses."""
[docs] def __init__(self, f: Callable, vc: VarCollection): """Function constructor. Args: f: the function or the module to represent. vc: the VarCollection of variables used by the function. """ if hasattr(f, '__name__'): = VarCollection((f'{{{f.__name__}}}{k}', v) for k, v in vc.items()) else: = VarCollection(vc) self.__wrapped__ = f
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Call the the function.""" return self.__wrapped__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def vars(self, scope: str = '') -> VarCollection: """Return the VarCollection of the variables used by the function.""" if scope: return VarCollection((scope + k, v) for k, v in return VarCollection(
[docs] @staticmethod def with_vars(vc: VarCollection): """Decorator which turns a function into a module using provided variable collection. Args: vc: the VarCollection of variables used by the function. """ def from_function(f: Callable): return Function(f, vc) return from_function
[docs] @staticmethod def auto_vars(f: Callable): """Turns a function into a module by auto detecting used Objax variables. Could be used as a decorator. WARNING: This is an experimental feature. It can detect variables used by function in many common cases, but not all cases. This feature may be removed in the future version of Objax if it appear to be too unreliable. Args: f: function which will be converted into a module. """ from objax.util.tracing import find_used_variables return Function(f, find_used_variables(f))
def __repr__(self): return f'{class_name(self)}(f={repr_function(self.__wrapped__)})'
[docs]class Jit(Module): """JIT (Just-In-Time) module takes a function or a module and compiles it for faster execution."""
[docs] def __init__(self, f: Union[Module, Callable], vc: Optional[VarCollection] = None, static_argnums: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]] = None): """Jit constructor. Args: f: the function or the module to compile. vc: the VarCollection of variables used by the function or module. This argument is required for functions. static_argnums: tuple of indexes of f's input arguments to treat as static (constants)). A new graph is compiled for each different combination of values for such inputs. """ self.static_argnums = static_argnums if not isinstance(f, Module): if vc is None: raise ValueError('You must supply the VarCollection used by the function f.') f = Function(f, vc) def jit(tensor_list: List[JaxArray], kwargs, *args): original_values = try: return f(*args, **kwargs), finally: = f.vars() if vc is None else vc self._call = jax.jit(jit, static_argnums=tuple(x + 2 for x in sorted(static_argnums or ()))) self.__wrapped__ = f
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Call the compiled version of the function or module.""" output, changes = self._call(, kwargs, *args) return output
def __repr__(self): return f'{class_name(self)}(f={self.__wrapped__}, static_argnums={self.static_argnums or None})'
[docs]class Parallel(Module): """Parallel module takes a function or a module and compiles it for running on multiple devices in parallel."""
[docs] def __init__(self, f: Union[Module, Callable], vc: Optional[VarCollection] = None, reduce: Callable[[JaxArray], JaxArray] = jn.concatenate, axis_name: str = 'device', static_argnums: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]] = None): """Parallel constructor. Args: f: the function or the module to compile for parallelism. vc: the VarCollection of variables used by the function or module. This argument is required for functions. reduce: the function used reduce the outputs from many devices to a single device value. axis_name: what name to give to the device dimension, used in conjunction with objax.functional.parallel. static_argnums: tuple of indexes of f's input arguments to treat as static (constants)). A new graph is compiled for each different combination of values for such inputs. """ if not isinstance(f, Module): if vc is None: raise ValueError('You must supply the VarCollection used by the function f.') f = Function(f, vc) def pmap(tensor_list: List[jax.Array], random_list: List[jax.Array], *args): original_values = try: return f(*args), finally: static_argnums = sorted(static_argnums or ()) self.axis_name = axis_name self.ndevices = jax.local_device_count() self.reduce = reduce self.static_argnums = frozenset(static_argnums) = vc or f.vars() self._call = jax.pmap(pmap, axis_name=axis_name, static_broadcasted_argnums=[x + 2 for x in static_argnums]) self.__wrapped__ = f
def device_reshape(self, x: JaxArray) -> JaxArray: """Utility to reshape an input array in order to broadcast to multiple devices.""" assert hasattr(x, 'ndim'), f'Expected JaxArray, got {type(x)}. If you are trying to pass a scalar to ' \ f'parallel, first convert it to a JaxArray, for example np.float(0.5)' if x.ndim == 0: return np.broadcast_to(x, [self.ndevices]) assert x.shape[0] % self.ndevices == 0, f'Must be able to equally divide batch {x.shape} among ' \ f'{self.ndevices} devices, but does not go equally.' return x.reshape((self.ndevices, x.shape[0] // self.ndevices) + x.shape[1:])
[docs] def __call__(self, *args): """Call the compiled function or module on multiple devices in parallel. Important: Make sure you call this function within the scope of VarCollection.replicate() statement. """ unreplicated = [k for k, v in if not isinstance(v.value, (jax.Array, jax.interpreters.partial_eval.JaxprTracer, jax.interpreters.partial_eval.DynamicJaxprTracer))] assert not unreplicated, \ f'Some variables were not replicated: {unreplicated}.' \ 'did you forget to call VarCollection.replicate on them?' args = [x if i in self.static_argnums else jax.tree_map(self.device_reshape, [x])[0] for i, x in enumerate(args)] output, changes = self._call(,, *args) return jax.tree_map(self.reduce, output)
def __repr__(self): args = dict(f=self.__wrapped__, reduce=repr_function(self.reduce), axis_name=repr(self.axis_name), static_argnums=tuple(sorted(self.static_argnums)) or None) args = ', '.join(f'{k}={v}' for k, v in args.items()) return f'{class_name(self)}({args})'
[docs]class Vectorize(Module): """Vectorize module takes a function or a module and compiles it for running in parallel on a single device."""
[docs] def __init__(self, f: Union[Module, Callable], vc: Optional[VarCollection] = None, batch_axis: Tuple[Optional[int], ...] = (0,)): """Vectorize constructor. Args: f: the function or the module to compile for vectorization. vc: the VarCollection of variables used by the function or module. This argument is required for functions. batch_axis: tuple of int or None for each of f's input arguments: the axis to use as batch during vectorization. Use None to automatically broadcast. """ if not isinstance(f, Module): if vc is None: raise ValueError('You must supply the VarCollection used by the function f.') f = Function(f, vc) def vmap(tensor_list: List[JaxArray], random_list: List[JaxArray], *args): original_values = try: return f(*args), finally: fargs = positional_args_names(f) assert len(batch_axis) >= len(fargs), f'The batched argument must be specified for all of {f} arguments {fargs}' self.batch_axis = batch_axis self.batch_axis_argnums = [(x, v) for x, v in enumerate(batch_axis) if v is not None] assert self.batch_axis_argnums, f'No arguments to function {f} are vectorizable' = vc or f.vars() self._call = jax.vmap(vmap, (None, 0) + batch_axis) self.__wrapped__ = f
[docs] def __call__(self, *args): """Call the vectorized version of the function or module.""" assert len(args) == len(self.batch_axis), f'Number of arguments passed {len(args)} must match ' \ f'batched {len(self.batch_axis)}' nsplits = args[self.batch_axis_argnums[0][0]].shape[self.batch_axis_argnums[0][1]] output, changes = self._call(, [v.split(nsplits) for v in], *args) for v, u in zip(, changes): v.reduce(u) return output
def __repr__(self): return f'{class_name(self)}(f={self.__wrapped__}, batch_axis={self.batch_axis})'